The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society


This is a fictional novel based on historical setting of characters. The joint authors of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society novel are Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Both have teamed-up well to produce a classical fictional novel, which readers/ listeners enjoy to the core. This being a multi character novel involves various artists as its narrators. The names of the narrators are Paul Boehmer, Rosalyn Landor, Susan Duerden, Juliet Mills and John Lee.

The story of this novel is set in the winters of 1946 in the city of London. London at that time was just coming out of the dark shadows of the brutal World War II. Nobody had any idea that the author Juliet Ashton would come across a letter from a person, who she has never met. The person is a local from the Guernsey Island. He came across the name of the author, which he found written inside Charles Lamb’s book.

Just as the author started exchanging letters with her new correspondent, the author quickly gets drawn into his world and all his friends. She found that world to be extremely wonderful and eccentric. The members of the Potato Peel Society were born as an offshoot of the moment and they were discovered breaking norms and also the curfew imposed by the Germans, who were occupying their land. The group included some funny, charming and exciting characters ranging from the literature lovers and pig farmers etc. This is when a remarkable correspondence begin between Julia and the society members.

The authors have tag teamed well to produce a brilliant novel. Those who have gone through this novel really appreciate the characters portrayed by the authors and the scenes and situations they have depicted.




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