The Revenge of Geography

The Revenge of Geography is a historical non-fiction book written by Robert D. Kaplan. It discusses the importance of geography. It claims that geography will play a big part in the upcoming battles , and conflicts. Besides this, Kaplan’s other books revolve around the topics of politics, foreign affairs, , and travel. He has some other amazing books, such as the national bestseller Balkan Ghosts. Other than that, you can check out Asian’s Cauldron.

Michael Prichard is the narrator of this book. There isn’t anything positive to say about this performance. It sounds like the audience is going through a boring lecture. The voice actor himself seems bored of the material, so it doesn’t do any good for the listener. It just sounds like a r, andom person is reading out the textbook in a class.

The author builds on the works , and discoveries of previous great geographers , and geopolitical thinkers. Using their research , and his own, he looks back at critical points in history to then determine the global scene in the distant future. He examines the hot spots of the world by guessing the culture, topographies, , and proximity to war-ravaged l, ands.

Kaplan applies the lessons learned in history to present crises in Russia, Europe, the Indian Subcontinent, Iran, Turkey, The Arab Middle East, , and China. This book serves as a solid rebuttal to those who think that globalism can trump geography.

Robert tells us why we shouldn’t dismiss the role of geography in the determination of politics , and foreign policy. Even though technology has made our world small, geography is still as relevant today as it ever was in the past. Robert gives us modern examples that support his argument. It is a very interesting audiobook, which frankly has been ruined by unbearable narration.

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