John Sandford has described Virgil flowers as a man who has a determined nature, whenever he takes a case, he gets the job done. He has dealt with criminals but dealing with educated maniacs is a new test for the detective. The people Virgil meets are men of science but they are surely acting weird. They don’t respect the ideas presented by the rival group and this has started a war between them. The war was continuing when a scholar belonging to one of the groups is found dead in the university.

Surely any one member from the university has got rid of him because of something personal but the evidence is hard to find especially when no one is ready to cooperate. Instead of cooperating with Virgil, the two rival groups try to ignore him as if they are trying to hide some secrets.

Virgil acts fast in this one because the killer has cleverly hidden behind the veil of a scholar. The reason for killing is also another important thing that Virgil wants to know because there is a chance that more than one person is behind the crime. Trickier than Stolen Prey and Silent Prey, the story just provides Virgil with the case in which every piece of evidence has a price.

Virgil Flowers has to make the scholars talk to bring the killer out of the shadows. There is something more to the case than that which catches the eye. There is a crime that is deeply hidden in the university and the killer is trying to keep it buried. Virgil Flowers is given Eric Conger’s voice once again who has become a real genius in narrating these mysteries.

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