In thrillers and suspense novels, a woman is hard to find because women are not given serious action to perform as a routine. Dean Koontz’s thoughts are totally different as compared to that so he has put a strong female character in this novel. It’s Jane we are talking about i.e a woman who plans to take revenge on the evil who made her lose everything in life. Story begins with the news about a man who commits suicide without any reason. Later more such incidents are heard and the police seems to have no clue at all.

Jane used to love her husband and she thought that both of them were living an ideal life until the day when the man committed suicide because he thought that it was the right thing. Perhaps someone or something was controlling his mind but the police does not believe on these things. When such incidents grow, Jane decides to put an end to all of this by getting herself involved in the show. Though the campaign was tough and there was a chance that Jane might lose her life as well but this didn’t terrify the young lady.

She steps forward into the darkness that vanquished the bright light of her life and this time the evil has to be afraid as well because Jane is coming to get him. Elisabeth Rodgers’ voice is surely best suited to Jane’s character and the narration has made the character look stronger. Quicksilver and Devoted are further books which the fans of this novel must listen because the stuff is just wonderful by all means.

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