The Stars My Destination

The Stars My Destination is a literature & fiction novel. It is authored by Alfred Bester. He was an American science fiction author, scriptwriter for TV and radio, and magazine editor. The Demolished Man is another worthy novel by the author that deserves all your attention.

Gerard Doyle is the narrator of The Stars My Destination novel. The narration was beautifully done and it added a lot to the enjoyment rather than causing any sort of distraction.

Gulliver Foyle, Noman was marooned somewhere out in outer space. All of that happened after a brutal attack on his ship. He lived ahead to pursue the crew of a rescue ship obsessively which had all the intention to leave him behind mercilessly to die.

When we talk about pop culture then Alfred Bester from the 20th century for sure is an unsung hero. He wrote sever screenplays, radio scripts, and even comic books as well. But, it was the science fiction novels that became his main identification. The subject novel, The Stars of My Destination might well be the finest novel that he had ever written in his flourishing career. The novel seems to be utterly contemporary and it had well maintained its status as a classic for more than five decades.

This science-fiction classic novel is more than 60 years old and it still reads and sounds so fresh and exciting. This book tells a great story of revenge that Alfred Bester, the author of this book employed as an inspiration to write what originally was given the title, Tiger Tiger. The listeners for sure will be thunderstruck after listening to this amazing and exciting novel.

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