Murder Cuts the Mustard

 Murder Cuts the Mustard is the third chapter in A Beryl and Edwina Mystery’s novel series. It is a mystery thriller which is written by Jessica Ellicott. She is an excellent writer of mystery thriller and provided the audience with great enjoyment with her novels like Murder in an English Village and Murder Flies the Coop.

The narration of this book is done by Barbara Rosenblat. She is a talented orator and managed to produce different voices for the different characters. Her performance in this novel was an amazing treat for the ears. The latest incident to finish the fragile peace in Walmsley Parva, an English village hit too close to the home. The prime suspect has taken place in the potting shed of Edwina. Simpkins, her elderly gardener has been sleeping secretly thereafter fighting with his disreputable housemate, Hector Lomax, who was also his brother-in-law.

When Hector Lomax was found killed in the churchyard then Constable Gibbs came after Simpkins. He was last seen quarreling in the pub with his kin the night before. Based on the very sad state of the garden, Edwina had her reservations that Simpkins might make some effort to kill anyone he wants to.

The two detectives threw themselves into finding out the suspects and eventually reaching out to the actual killer. But, this one is no garden variety type of murder at all. A surprising link to the Condiment Company of Colonel Kimberly and the finding of a valuable ring force Edwina and Beryl to plat the catchup here. It is a cozy mystery that will hook you throughout until it concludes. The characters are amazing and they became even more powerful in the voice of Barbara Rosenblat.

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