The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax is a suspenseful mystery-thriller novel. It is written by Dorothy Gilman. The book is the opening novel of Mrs. Pollifax’s novel series. She was an American novelist who is best known for her Mrs. Pollifax novel series. She began writing in the mystery-thriller genre when not many women were part of it. But, she managed to make her prominent place in no time. You must check out her prominent novels such as The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax and Mrs. Pollifax and the Second Thief. Both these recommended novels written by Dorothy Gilman are from her amazing Mrs. Pollifax novel series.

The narration of The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax is handled by Barbara Rosenblat. She managed to elevate the strong story of this novel with her soulful voice. She has done quite a few titles before and her experience was fully maximized in this novel. Did she prove herself right?

Mrs. Virgil Pollifax was living in New Jersey. She was a 60 years old widow having grown-up children. She was part of the Garden Club meetings but wasn’t enjoying them anymore. She wanted to do something extraordinary for her beloved country. The first chapter in the series sends Emily (Mrs. Virgil Pollifax) on her very first case. This happened once she managed to persuade a CIA recruitment officer successfully. She convinced that skeptical officer that no one else is better than her, for the job.
The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax is a highly fun adventure. You will be thoroughly impressed with the exciting story of a depressed older lady. The narration from Barbara was par excellence and you will enjoy it to the maximum.

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