Total F*cking Godhead

This epic “Total F*cking Godhead” is written by Corbin Reiff and narrated by Michael Butler Murray. These are the most distinguished volumes of Corbin Reiff if followers want to go in deep into Corbin’s writing then these are highly suggestive books Welcome to the Universe and Strategy.


This is a principal thorough memoir of notable vocalist and lyricist “Chris Cornell”. Godhead is the finished tale of the mind-boggling and perplexing craftsman “Chris Cornell”. It’s the arresting record of an authentic, secondary school dropout arising out of “Seattle” Washington to become one of the best vocalist musicians and voices of his age. With input from individuals who knew and worked with him along with “Cornell’s” own words the book relates exhaustively the ascent of his unfading band “Soundgarden” as they arose out of the present troublemaker underground on rule mainstream society during the close by other “Seattle” groups like “Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and Nirvana”.

Long-lasting “Seattle” inhabitant and rock essayist “Corbin Reiff” looked at “Cornell’s” dynamic performance vocation just as his time in “Audioslave”. He dived into his hard-faced conflict with compulsion just as the supercharged get-together with the band that put him on the map before everything finished, unfortunately. This is the tale of his internal craftsman unrest into melodies that contacted the hearts of millions all over the planet and transformed “Chris Cornell” into one of music’s most prominent icons.

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